Alonzo & Tracy Mourning Senior High School's Athletic Program offers 11 sports for student-athletes to participate. The following is a list of our sports offerings:
Fall Sports - All start 7/31/24 - Deadline to join 9/29/24
Varsity Bowling- Pardo-Vazquez Maria 282831@dadeschools.net
JV/Varsity Football- Downs, John 335865@dadeschools.net
Varsity Golf- Schlehuber, Luke 315720@dadeschools.net
Varsity Swimming- Scotese, Daniel 344417@dadeschools.net
Girls JV/Varsity Volleyball-Nascimento, Erick 342602@dadeschools.net
Varsity Cross Country - VACANT (Contact Athletic Director: CoachAlexander@dadeschools.net)
Winter Sports All Start 10/30/24 - Deadline to join 12/1/24
Boys JV/Varsity Basketball- Carr, Edward 125061@dadeschools.net
Girls JV/Varsity Basketball-Duncan,Anabelle 339586@dadeschools.net
Boys Varsity Soccer- Vacant Contact Coach Deacon for Info
Girls Varsity Soccer- Deacon, Emily 331489@dadeschools.net
Spring Sports All Start 1/29/25 - Deadline to join 3/1/25 (including Spring Football)
Girls Varsity Flag Football- Bridges, Curt 176161@dadeschools.net
Boys/Girls Varsity Tennis- Tomassi, Sebastian 339193@dadeschools.net
Boys/Girls Varsity Track and Field- Milfort, Gerda 337694@dadeschools.net
Boys JV/Varsity Volleyball- Nascimento, Erick 342602@dadeschools.net
Boys Varsity Water Polo- Scotese, Daniel 344417@dadeschools.net
Girls Varsity Water Polo- Schlehuber, Luke 315720@dadeschools.net
Student-athletes, Parents, and Coaches interested in participating in any of the above sports programs may contact the Athletic Office or any athletic staff member for details. All student-athletes must have completed the athletic clearance process in order to participate on any team. All necessary documents to complete the athletic eligibility process may be found on this website. Please click on the Sharks Play! tab on the left for more information.
Enjoy the game, meet, match, tournament while supporting Shark Athletics! We encourage all students, faculty, parents and fans to join in on our athletic experience. Below are athletic schedules for all teams. Support your Sharks and pass the word. We only redeem electronic tickets, no cash tickets are sold please visit https://gofan.co/app/school/FL67356. Ticket Prices for 2023-2024 Athletic Contests:
Shark Tank (Field Sports- Soccer, Flag Football, Track) - $5.00 (Tackle Football / Double Headers / Tournaments $10.00)
Shark Tank (Gymnasium Sports-Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton) - $5.00 (Double Headers / Tournaments $10.00)
Shark Tank non revenue sports can and will accept donations with a letter to complement its specific cause (Bowling, Cross Country, Golf, Swimming, Badminton, Baseball, Tennis, Water Polo).
General Admission prices are subject to change at the discretion of the Athletic Department. Tickets can be purchased prior to the start of all events. NO REFUNDS will be provided once tickets are purchased. NOTE: Special Ticket Prices for FHSAA State Series Events are TBD: District - Region - State Play-Ins/Semi-Finals & State Finals; we will defer to www.FHSAA.com for State Finals Locations and Prices.
The information provided on this page will assist you get started. We look forward to having you join our teams.
All student-athletes must be an enrolled student, grades 9-12, of Alonzo & Tracy Mourning Senior High School to participate with the Sharks. (Student-athletes of Non-Traditional, Charter or Private Schools please select the "Can I Play with the Sharks" tab for more information.) We are always seeking energetic student-athletes who want to have fun while representing ATM with Sharks' Pride. From the novice student-athlete to the experienced, there's a Sharks' Team for you. All you need to play is a completed Athletic Clearance Packet which covers the following basic requirements:
Eligibility Requirements:
- Academic/Conduct GPA - 2.0 or higher
- Good Attendance (Maintain less than 10 absences and 20 tardies) throughout the school year
- Athletic Physical (Completed, signed, & stamped by a licensed physician & notary)
- Athletic Insurance ($18-Non Contact Sports $70-24Hour includes Non Contact Sports; $63 Tackle Football [$18 Spring Tackle Football])
- Birth Certificate (A clear copy of the original document)
- Concussion in Sports Video Completion Certificate (Use link below)
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Video Completion Certificate (Use link below)
- Heat Related Illness Video Completion Certificate (Use link below)
- Tryout
NOTE: ONLY student-athletes cleared by the Athletic Office will be allowed to participate in any athletic conditioning, practice and/or contest provided the above requirements are fully met.
Use the attachments and links below to assist you with your needs.
This page will provide all Non-Traditional (Student-athletes who do not physically attend ATM), Non-member Private School and Home School students with the information needed to join a Sharks' Team.
Who Can Play?
Non-Traditional Student-athletes
Any student-athlete grades 9-12 who attends a non-traditional school and resides in the boundary zone of Alonzo & Tracy Mourning Senior High School. Each must be registered with the FHSAA each year using a form generated by our Athletic Director.
Non-member Private School Student-athletes
Any student-athlete grades 9-12 who attends a private school (non-FHSAA member school) with a total enrollment of 125 or less and reside in the boundary zone of Alonzo & Tracy Mourning Senior High School. The private school must NOT have an existing athletic program. Each must be registered with the FHSAA each year using a form generated by our Athletic Director.
Home School Student-athletes
Any student-athlete grades 9-12 who is legally registered in home school education and reside in the boundary zone of Alonzo & Tracy Mourning Senior High School. Each must be registered with the FHSAA each year using a form generated by our Athletic Director.
Declaration Deadlines
All student-athletes wishing to participate with the Sharks must meet the following deadlines with the necessary eligibility requirements and documentation completed. Please consider your ability to meet the requirements of the specific Shark Team you choose to commit to before declaring participation. This includes eligibility, practice schedule, athletic contest schedule, transportation, etc. All student-athletes are held to the same rules. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Declarations to participate must be made in person by visiting the school's Athletic Department prior to the dates listed below by sport seasons and/or by the first official date of practice in any individual or team sport..
Fall Sports Deadline - 9/29/2024
Winter Sports Deadline - 12/1/2024
Spring Sports Deadline (Spring Football included)- 3/1/2025
Please click the Sharks Play tab to review all eligibility requirements and documents needed.
FHSAA Policy for Non-Traditional Student-Athletes
Attached below are required documents for all student types listed above. You may also find this information on the FHSAA website at www.fhsaa.com.
Necessary Forms:
Affidavit of Compliance with the Policies on Athletic Recruiting
Home Education Student Academic Progress Report
Registration Form for Home Education Student
Registration Form for Non-Member Private School Students
Verification of Student Controlled Open Enrollment
Please purchase tickets for our athletic contest and support the Sharks this season. To learn how to buy tickets for Sharks Nation Athletics please visit our partners at GoFan (https://gofan.co/app/school/FL67356).
Opponent's address can be found on the Athletics Schedule when you open the attachment the address can be found in the last column that reads "Facility".
Please donate to ATM's Athletic department through GoFan link above, or write a check with a memo attached detailing why you are donating, how you would like the resources to be used, and where you would like the resources you are donating to go directly (ATM Athletic department or specific sport of your choice) .