Trust Corner

Trust Counselor 
Mrs. Bennett
305 919-2000 ext 2141
Cell: 786 474 4944
Please watch the video below!

Take the National Red Ribbon Campaign Pledge now and be a part of the creation of a drug free America.


As parents and citizens, we will talk to our children and the children in our lives about the dangers of drug abuse.

We will set clear rules for our children about not using drugs.

We will set a good example for our children by not using illegal drugs or medicine without a prescription.

We will monitor our children’s behavior and enforce appropriate consequences, so that our rules are respected.

We will encourage family and friends to follow the same guidelines to keep children safe from substance abuse.


I pledge to grow up safe, healthy and drug free by:

Understanding the dangers of drug use and abuse.
Respecting myself and being drug free.
Spreading the word to family and friends about the importance of being healthy and drug free.

August 25, 2024 – September 01, 2024

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August 25, 2024 – September 01, 2024.

Grief: Talking with Students
Why you should reach out to grieving students.